Sunday, November 4, 2007

Silver Streak

Okay, I'm going out on a limb for this new week and calling silver higher in the wake of gold breeching $800 US.

If Silver closes over $14.85 as per the maestro's call (James Turk) that $14.85 is the breakout point.

I am personally going to buy the breakout when it happens as silver should move like gold from its pennant formation.

Have a great week all and good luck,

Kiwi Envoy

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Streets of Gold

Well the market is well and truly on fire right now.

The Dow is sitting at its highs and the US FED id pumping gazillions of dollar confetti into the market.

As per Jim Sinclair's summation it is my own personal opinion that the US powers that be are trying to kick start a Zimbabwe style hyperinflation to keep the smoke and mirrors game alive and kicking.

Time will tell after the next opined rate cut this October 2007 whether or not the all conspiring PPT (Plunge Protection Team) have the goods to keep the charade going.

Good Luck all,

Kiwi Envoy